Editorial - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 3
Advanced Agricultural Practices
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh*Received: 03-Dec-2021 Accepted Date: Dec 17, 2021 ; Published: 24-Dec-2021
Farming is termed as the practice of cultivating plants or animals for survival. Agriculture particularly is growing of plants and food grains for human consumption. The history of agriculture dates back to the dawn of modern human civilization when man evolved with increasing population and constant global demand the supply for food grains and edible plants have exponentially increased. Modern agriculture implements excess use of pesticides and fertilizers in union with the modern technology to generate high crop yield which could quench the hunger of millions in a very short span of time. Selective breeding and modern genetics made it possible to generate desirable varieties of grains with high nutrient content. Major agricultural products include food crops, food grains, vegetables, oils etc. Agriculture not only supplies food but it provides employment to the population in the rural areas. High exploitation of land and natural resources have sensitive impact on the environment like global warming, decrease in groundwater level, antibiotic resistance deforestation , depletion in nutrients, degradation in quality of food crops are issues which need to be addressed. Organic farming utilizes fertilizers and manure of organic composition; it has evolved from traditional farming and is ecofriendly in nature. Organic farming could be the right answer to the everlasting global demand for food crisis. Organic farming integrates modern scientific knowledge, technology and traditional practices which employs naturally occurring biological processes. Conventional agriculture uses synthetically produced pesticides which make the soil nutrient rich and produce high yield. Plants produced in such a manner carry these chemicals and ultimately are consumed by humans and livestock leading to bio-magnification which seriously impact the health of the host. Organic farming supports crop diversity and polyculture which stages different crops in the same place. Variety of vegetable crops supports a wider variety of beneficial insects like bees, beetles and earthworms. Species are protected from going extinct. In organic farming soil management is efficiently carried out natural phenomenal techniques like green manure and composting are used to replace the nutrients taken from previous crops, insects like earthworms and certain microorganisms break down this organic matter to release nutrients to the plants, improving soil fertility is a challenging concern which could be properly handled with organic farming and a high nutrient rich and healthy produce could be harvested. Organic Crops contain fewer nitrates and substances from pesticides vitamins like vitamin C and B group vitamins etc. are present in organically produced food which is healthy. Fruits and Vegetables which are produced organically have a high sensory quality i.e., they have better smell, taste and color. However the scope of organic farming is limited to some extent as organic farming produces low yield, parasites present in the produce is comparably higher when compared to the conventional produce which may cause issues in the consuming host. Economic picture of organic farming is in the limelight as the demand for a health food and quality lifestyle has increased in the millennia. Organic food is marketed online and is even available to metropolitan urban areas which are miles away from the area of produce of the organic food. Economics of organic farming could be classified into direct comparison, analysis of economic data found in research, modelling of farms.
The Author expresses his gratitude to the entire faculty for successful publication of this article.
Conflict of Interest
The Author declared that there is no conflict of interest.
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