Present research work deals with comprehensive biometrical studies conducted on hymenopteran, especially members of family vespidae viz. Vespa aurariacollected from 10 localities, V. tropicafrom 3 localities, V. basalisfrom 4 localities, V. orientalis, Polistes hebraeusand Ropalidia ferrugineafrom one locality respectively sam-pled from different agroclimatic zones of Himachal Pradesh, situated in the lap of north west Himalayas. Different species were sampled from 14 localities having different altitude and climatic conditions. 59 morphological charac-ters pertaining to mouthparts, antenna, forewing, hindwing, foreleg, hindleg, tergites and sternites were studied. Biometrical data was analysed statistically, using Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Duncan’s Multiple Range test, t-test, correlation and Multivariate Discriminant Analysis.