
Integrated Farming Strategies for Climatic Resilient Agriculture under Rainfed Conditions in North West Himalayan Regions.

Author(s): Gulshan Kumar and Hem Chander

The results ofthe National Innovation on Climatic Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) investigations on integrated farming strategies to cope with rain-fed conditions of Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh are being described. On the basis of hydrological and technical as well as social and cultural conditions, appropriate technol-ogical strategies have been implemented to combat the effects of climate change. The main objective was to enhance the resilience of Indian agriculture.The top most priority of the present study was to way out the source of water for meeting minimum critical water needs of crop diversification and maintenance of ecological balance under rain-fed condition and to analyze their technical and economical feasibility as well as their affordability for future users. The present study reveals that it is economically feasible to apply decentralized technologies and strategies in farm-ing system for climatic resilient agriculture universally.


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