
Evaluation of various apple (Malus x domestica Borkh) cultivars for fruit characters

Author(s): Girish Sharma, Ashok Yadav and Manish Thakur

Investigations were carried out on 16 cultivars of apple during 2010-2014 for various fruit characters to screen promising cultivars based on various fruit characters. These cultivars under study differed significantly with each other for various characters. Fruits of cultivar ‘Neomi’ had maximum fruit length (6.38 cm), fruit diame-ter (7.27 cm), fruit weight (131.50 g), total sugar (8.28 %), low acidity (0.39 %) and highreducing sugar (7.79 %). Maximum flesh firmness (12.99 kg/cm2) was recorded in the cultivar ‘Red Fuji’. Maximum total soluble solid (12.34 °Brix) content was recorded in the cultivar ‘Jonadel’. Maximum number of seeds (9.0) was recorded in the cultivar ‘Ruspippin’.


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